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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  April 24, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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with. why on earth, using commonsense, has george w. bush not come to the recognition that dick cheney pulled the wool over him, moving him to do whatever cheney would have done were he formally in charge. i have a suspicion that the president knows exactly what i am talking about now and yes, dick cheney was the joker in the deck, would bring down his whole deck of cards. "politicsnation" with al sharpton starts right now. thanks, chris, and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, united against terror. here's the latest in the boston attacks. the a.p. reports that the accused bombers used remote detonators to set off the explosions at the marathon. early this morning, the scene of the attacks reopened to the public nine days after the attacks.
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and vice president joe biden joined thousands of mourners for the memorial of murdered m.i.t. police officer sean collier. the vice president spoke about the victims and the twisted motivations that drive terrorists. >> it infuriates them that we refuse to bend, refuse to change, refuse to yield to fear. the doctrine of hate and oppression, they found out cannot compete the values of openness and inclusiveness and that's why they are losing. >> the terrorists hate and fear our openness, our unity, our diversity. that's why we must stand together to face this challenge. not let it drive us farther apart. unfortunately, we are seeing some of this on the right. using this tragedy in boston to level cheap political attacks on the president.
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today, a republican congressman, tom cotton, stood on the house floor and said this. >> and barely four years in office, five jihadists have reached their targets in the united states under barack obama. in over seven years after 9/11, under george w. bush, how many terrorists reached their target in the united states? zero. we need to ask why is the obama administration failing in its mission to stop terrorism before it reaches its targets in the united states. >> failing in its mission? the administration that got bin laden? congressman wasn't alone. here's republican senator lindsey graham. >> between benghazi and boston, we are letting our guard down and it's beginning to show.
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>> now it's not just boston. it's benghazi, too. the right wingers are even more extreme. >> yeah, they are all democrats. well, of course they are democrats. joker with a tweet celebrating obama's re-election. i've got the tweet. of course they are all democrats. you think these guys are voting for romney? >> president obama hates this country. he doesn't like america as it was founded and muslims don't either. they hate america. they mate america's founder and that's the bond that they share. >> these are hateful, ugly comments but they are distractions and political stunts that make us less safe, not more. terrorism is a serious challenge that we as a country need to face together, united, not divided. joining me now, congressman adam shift, democrat from california
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and a member of the permanent select committee on intelligence. he was at the closed-door house briefing today on the boston bombings. and former governor ed rendell, an msnbc analyst. thanks for coming on the show. >> pleasure. >> congressman shift, before we get to the politics, let's get our facts straight. some republicans say russia had asked the united states government multiple times about the older brother, the older suspect in this bombing. now, is that your understanding? because nbc's reporting indicates something very different. >> al, my understanding is that we got to run request that was repeated twice with two different agencies and, again, it's a request that the fbi followed up upon, did an investigation on, wasn't able to turn up derogatory information, went back to russia and said, what have you got? you've got to give us more that
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we can work with and never got an answer back. so the impression that some may be getting or have that there were multiple different requests, different agencies or that russia was somehow, you know, coming back to us and back to us with more information, more requests, that's not borne out by the facts that we've found thus far. >> so basically, to say it was multiple requests by russia is just not true. one request, two different agencies is the truth. it was not treated as multiple requests from russia? >> it looks to be the same requests repeated twice. i don't know that we've yet examined them side by side. but repeated twice, two different agencies, and i'm not aware of any indication that we had other information from the russians that was repeated to other agencies or different tim times. it looks as simple as that. >> now, you were in the briefing today that the permanent intelligence committee received. could you give us any indication
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of where this is going? is there anything new? what can you share with us? >> well, first of all, i think that the intelligence community is doing an extraordinary job in following up on all the leads, working together very seamlessly on this and listening to some of the sound bites you aired at the top of the program, al, it's very disturbing. i wish the members of congress were working as well and in as nonpartisan profession as our intelligence professionals are. but they are chasing down every lead. they are chasing down not only the leads at home to make sure there are not any further dangers to the public or co-conspirators but also chasing the leads over dagestan and chechnya and so they are doing their job and i think the public ought to be pleased and impressed with the diligence and
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professionalism that they are showing. >> governor rendell, i remember living in new york 9/11 and i remember like it was yesterday, the spirit of cooperation. people kind of grew united and a lot of the acrimony that we had had in the city just seemed to evaporate. we began to understand that there were those that wanted to hurt americans no matter what our race and religion and we were going to be bigger than that. i'm not sensing the same coming from all corners that as a result of this boston bombing and i just -- it bothers me because things should grow, not recede. >> you're right, reverend. republicans say that the obama administration is weak on terrorism and yet wasn't it a few weeks ago they were
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complaining about all of the tax? and not only only that, we've k more than all of the administration have done. that's a fact, whether they like it or not. the second thing that really bothers me about what they've been saying today, the anti-muslim rhetoric is one of the reasons that the republican party will, in my judgment, remain in minority for a long time. 99% of americans do not support islamic jihadism. they are appalled by it as n anybody. you heard the two brothers uncle. there are muslim countries all over that are allies. how do you think the muslims in kosovo feel?
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do you think they hate us? we saved them from genocide. >> just this week in canada, what are we talking about? >> absolutely. this idea that we can condemn an entire religion, both here and abroad, is nuts. i mean, look, jared loughner was a terrorist. timothy mcveigh was a terrorist. adam lanza was a terrorist. they were christians. >> bill o'reilly is using this text to condemn muslims in general. listen. >> it's all about motivation and it is about a specific group. most muslims on this earth are good people. but they are not helping to neutralize the jihad. they are not standing up against it in any numbers. and that includes american
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muslims. >> first of all, what do you mean they are not standing up? they were the ones that turned in the guys that were just arrested this week in canada. they were the ones that shouted down the older suspect and told him if he kept talking like that, he would not be allowed in the mosque. it's an outright lie. there have been any number of islamic leaders and lay people that have helped and turned in terrorists and congressman, i think we need to be outraged by seeing people just blanketed by people that are irresponsible and just want to take cheap shots for reasons that are beyond me at this time and period in our history. >> reverend, i agree with you completely and not only is it a horribly bigoted thing to do but it's also incredibly
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counterproductive. the muslim community is a great source of us in being able to protect the court. with he need to work cooperatively with the community and our strength in america has been our diversity and these voices of hate that would exploit this terrible tragedy and terrorist attack are just going to make our job in the intelligence community much more difficult and, frankly, make our job around the world much more difficult. you're absolutely right. we need to push back soundly and hard against these voices that just preach hate at a time like this. >> 71% approve the president's handling of the boston marathon bombings, governor, so it seems the public is clearer than those trying to spread some kind of distraction. >> and it is absolutely pathetic
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that politicalness rears its head at a time like this. it's brutally dismissive and horribly prejudicial. it's just -- it boggles the mind. i mean, there are so many muslims around the world who still care about us. look, the government of iran and the leaders of iran are our enemy and yet there are iranian-americans fighting as hard as they can to try to bring democracy back to iran and they are muslims and they are fighting the regime. it's pathetic. those guys should be ashamed of themselves. >> former governor ed rendell and congressman, thank you for your time. let's unite and let the country grow and expand in the face of the real danger and real terrorism. we do not behave in a way that feeds the worst. we need to feed in the way that
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shows that we're better, bigger, stronger, we're diversified. that is why we as americans can stand together. that's what we did in new york after 9/11. that's what we must do now. ahead, republicans rewrite history when it comes to president bush and 9/11. i want to set the record straight. plus, they are so scared of hillary in 2016, they already have an attack planned. but one problem, we've seen it all before. president obama has a new strategy. it has to do with parenting and tattoos. yes, tattoos. stay with us. thank you orville and wilbur... ...amelia... neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions...
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♪ [ male announcer ] that's handy. you can reuse almost anything. paper bags. soda bottles handcuffs i'm just saying. so see what you can reuse. you'll reduce what's sent to landfills. the more you know. as we've seen, the right is exploiting the boston tragedy in order to attack president obama. but they've got another goal in mind as well. bolster and repair the image of george w. bush. yes, it's the bush legacy campaign. on the eve of the george w. bush library unveiling, republicans are rewriting history and selling new and factually wrong talking points to rebuild bush's failure of a presidency. like this gem we heard earlier on national security today.
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>> in barely four years in office, five jihadists have reached their targets in the united states under barack obama. in over seven years since 9/11 under george w. bush, how many terrorists reached their targets in the united states? zero. >> it's the same fail notion that they are spouting over at fox. >> i will tell you one thing, from 9/12/01, the president kept us safe. you certainly can't say that since obama took over office. >> can and "unlike obama's tenure, there was no successful attack on the homeland after 9/11." no attack after 9/11? that's like saying besides the
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iceberg, the titanic had a great trip. you can't glaze over history like that, even if it is an improvement from a few years ago when they seem to forget 9/11 ever happened. >> between 2000 and -- i don't remember any attacks on american soil during that period of time. >> we had no attacks under bush. we have under obama. >> no domestic attacks under president bush except for the worst attack on american soil. joining me now is the first iraq war veteran elected to congress. and joy reid, managing editor of the what do you make of these
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comments? >> they have amnesia. they want to forget about the worst attack on american soil. they want to forget about the anthrax, 11 folks killed in the d.c. sniper attacks. i mean, come on. let president bush have his due but don't lie about the history. yeah, our nation was attacked, the worst in american history, and then they compound on that by starting an unnecessary war in iraq. >> that's my point, joy. when they talk about what hasn't happened under president obama that happened under president bush, one thing that hasn't happened is this president hasn't declared on war on people that had nothing to do with what happened in boston. there was none of this going on that they are doing and he brought us to the wrong court looking for something that
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wasn't there. this president has said, let's unite, let's fight, and deal with the facts. >> absolutely. the supporters of president bush want us to forget, to the former congressman's point, bin laden attacked and the failures before it. to your point, after 9/11, what george w. bush did with that war and with american's fear and need to unite after the war was to sell this country on the idea of invading a wholly irrelevant country, iraq, turning our primary attention away from afghanistan. not only that, nothing that is unamerican, the idea that we were wire tapping fellow americans, people like jose padilla incarcerated for 3 1/2 years without due process of law, the same thing with another american-born, two cases that wound up in the supreme court.
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we've had moments in our history where presidents have done things that were against sort of the spirit of what this court was supposed to be. fdr did it with incarcerating the japanese. george bush did so much of it that it seemed unprecedent. >> and when we felt the country was threatened and even though we certainly had political differences and would stand up to them, when it came to the safety of the court, we stood even with bush who we disagreed with. i went to the white house. many of us did. none of this kind of pettiness and none of this kind of politicking. but i think what we have also seen here, because let's not forget tomorrow is the opening of the george w. bush library, first time it's opened. we're also seeing that polls are showing that democrats now hold the advantage on national security. the past election was the first
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time in at three decades when democrats outperformed republicans on foreign policy and national security. so is this defense of bush really an attempt to try and take back that issue from democrats? are we seeing some real politics here? >> it's absolute politics, rev. that's what they are trying to do. they want to gloss over not just the failures, how about the failures of the person responsible for murdering american on 9/11? it wasn't until barack obama came into office and took care of business and hunted him down, brought bin laden to justice. also, it was barack obama who came in and made sure we take care of the veterans when they come home. >> right. >> now, as you said, though, we have the republicans like tom cotton, like fox news crowd, like giuliani trying to dplos ov gloss over history. it's revisionist at its best. >> you know, george w. bush, the
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former president, he did an interview and was asked about his relationship with dick cheney and he said, "you know, it's been cordial but he lives in washington and we live in dallas. i don't see many of the people i worked with much and it's kind of sad but it's great to be in texas, however. perhaps sensing a it about of awkwardness, laura bush interjected, they'll all be here for the opening, though, and that will be really fun." you get a sense of distance with cheney that even president bush understands these guys misled him and the rest of the country if we believe the reports that he was being advised basically by cheney and the crowd that cheney had around him. >> absolutely. i think when the history of george w. bush's presidency, devoted to the distortion of the george w. bush campaign president in which he said he wanted to pursue a humble foreign policy. the distortion of it by the
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neo-cons and led by dick cheney, when you look at things that p haed from the valerie claim incident, a cheney aide, scooter libby who gave up a cia agent, exposing her, when you look at what led us into the war of iraq, a lot of that came from the cheney wing of the bush administration, besides the fact that he was a supersized vice president who assumed great power that he was not elected to withhold. >> all i can say is, we all can have our different views and opinions. we cannot have different facts. we will not allow them to rewrite history. thank you both for your time this evening. >> thanks. coming up, how about this? it turns outgoing against 90% of the country is political poison. senator kelly iotte's free fall
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strategy ahead. and president obama's parenting strategy. stay with us. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro.
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i.d. at the polls. it now goes to the state senate. meantime, in colorado, efforts at suppression can be seen in the ugly attacks on the bill to make it easier for people to vote. the colorado bill would let voters register until election day, increase voting by mail and create a stayed wide electronic voter database. sounds like commonsense but this flyer has started showing up in mailboxes across the state. it claims the bill would lead to, you guessed it, voter fraud. and it includes a photo of people waiting in line to vote. but get this, that picture is a fake. it was photo shopped. they've removed an image of an african-american voter and replaced it with the face of the woman next toer had. now, why on earth would they do
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that? do they want to pretend minorities don't vote? the mailer was put out by a mysterious group that call themselves citizens for free and fair elections. no one seems to know much about them. but they had the exact same address as the old law firm of secretary of state scott gessler. remember scott gessler, the one that questioned thousands of voter eligibility and ended up with 0.0004% of the state voters. he didn't even prove that number. now he says he has nothing to do with these flyers. i guess it's just a coincidence. but did these guys think we wouldn't call them out for distributing a flyer as bogus as their agenda?
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just hoursrom now, hillary clinton enters a new phase in her career. paid speaker. she's reportedly commanding 200 speeches as it comes as a new poll shows 64% of americans have a favorable view of her. so how scared are republicans of a hillary 2016 prospect? so scared they are already planning their political attack. house republicans just issued a report about the september 11th attacks in gauze sdplbenghazi. it goes after clinton for not telling the truth when it comes to security reductions at the benghazi consulate. the report kricites an april 20
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department cable, assets but ordered that the withdraw of security elements to proceed as planned. and now five republican house committee chairs are demanding president obama turn over even more documents related to the gau benghazi attacks. now, we knew there would be smears and hateful rhetoric. but going back to benghazi? what could possibly go wrong? >> the fact is, we had four dead americans. was it because of a protest or guys out one night who decided to go kill some americans? what difference at this point does it make? we've got to get our act together between the administration and congress. i've said i take responsibility. nobody is more committed to getting this right. i believe in transparency. i believe in taking responsibility and i have done so. >> republicans, you sure this is
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the political fight you want to pick? really? maybe it's time for a new report. joining me now is congresswoman carolyn maloney, democrat from new york, and patricia murphy of citizen jane's politics. thank you both for being here tonight. >> thank you, reverend. >> congresswoman, your colleagues already have a plan to take hillary down going back to gaubenghazi. what do you make of it? >> first of all, the loss of american lives were tragic. we can all agree with that. but this report does nothing to advance our insight, our understanding. it's a partisan attack. they are turning a terrorist attack into a political attack. that's what this is. >> now, patricia, you know, the oversight committee chair in the house, darrell issa, said this
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about hillary clinton's benghazi testimony on fox just this morning. listen to this. >> secretary of state was just wrong. she said she did not participate in this and yet only a few months before the attack she outright denied security in her signature in a cable april 2012. i bless the democrat's haeart. they can't find a factual error in their report. >> but as foreign policy points out today, as a general rule, every single cable sent from washington to the field is sent over the secretary of state's name. a former state department official said, patricia. so this proves nothing. >> it really proves only that there was a cable sent and it was over the secretary's name and there are more than one million cables that go in and out of the state department every year and that is why
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simply the fact that her signature there means very little because her signature is on every cable that leaves the state department, as you said. and i think when you look at this report, you have to ask yourself why are there no democrats on this report? there a investigations all the time. they are serious. they look into serious problems and they are bipartisan. these are only house republicans, no senators involved. there was a report on benghazi. its with done by mike mullen, so well respected. he found systemic problems in the state department and didn't point the finger at hillary clinton. it was much lower than she was. there are problems that need to be solved. this is not it. >> congresswoman, what they are really after is stopping hillary clinton because they think they may have to face her in 2016.
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when you look at the polls, put her up against all of the contenders. hillary clinton, 52%. marco rubio, 40%. if it was rand paul, hillary clinton, 52%, rand paul, 41%. if it was jeb bush, hillary clinton, 54%, jeb bush, 38%. that's the report that they are really upset about, in my opinion, congresswoman. >> i think you're absolutely right, reverend. what is particularly problematic about this trend with the republican leadership, when americans are attacked, what do they do? they turn around and attack an american. they should be attacking the terrorists. they are the ones who killed four innocent americans and in terms of this report, there's a procedure that we go through. with every report issued from the committee, it is supposed to be vetted with republican and democratic opinions and it is
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fact checked, you add your supporting or dissenting views. they just issued their attack. and they should be attacking the terrorists. this attack, as you know, happened on the anniversary of 9/11. >> that's exactly right. >> it was terrorists that killed the american leadership in benghazi and we know that our embassies are under tremendous strain across the world and pakistan, iraq, afghanistan, egypt, we need to be looking at how to protect our personnel, not attacking their colleagues. >> but patricia, it's just outrageous what they are trying to do and one of the things that adds outrage to me is when they were on the early benghazi attacks, secretary susan rice and the president, they were praising hillary clinton. now all of a sudden it's hillary
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clinton that was part of this. it was totally an insult to the intelligence. american people. >> i agree with him. >> another thing to be outraged, the report that did come out that was a report from admire mullen, that congress is at fault because they are not properly funding embassy security. with he know who runs half of congress and who runs the other. if they could get their act together, we might get somewhere. if there were democrats on it, i'd read it more seriously. >> it's not only a partisan attack, it's a, we are afraid 2016 that we may have to face hillary. i think when they get up at night to get a glass of water, they see hillary. i think when they are riding their car, they see hillary. they are scared of what may happen in 2016. congre congresswoman maloney and patricia murphy, thank you.
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ahead, a convicted murder made from behind bars. why this tape raises questions about the extreme wing of the anti-abortion movement. and president obama opens up about a new strategy, and it has to do with tattoos. yes, tattoos. that's next. oh, she only uses tide vivid detergent plus boost for her whites. now, up until a week ago she used chlorine bleach. yeah, because before it was salt, lemon, milk. well actually... that part's true.
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president obama's opening up about a new strategy he has with michelle, but it's not what you'd expect. it's how to get the kids through those rebellious teen years. >> what we've said to the girls is, if you guys ever decide you're going to get a tattoo, then mommy and me will get the exact same tattoo in the same place, and we'll go on youtube and show it off as a family tattoo. and my thinking is that might dissuade them from thinking that's a good way to rebel. of course. the family that tattoos together stays together. look at this, parents. here's one you can try at home. the obamas all inked up. and then there's the other fun family activity that sparked a national debate. who's the best dancer? the white house? >> what did you think of her mom dancing? do you have dad dancing that can give her a run for her money?
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>> well, she consistently maintains that she's a et aboutabout better dancer. and i'm okay with that. >> in private, i can bust a move but they tends to hold out when it comes to praise of my dancing. >> so do you think they can dance? here's a side by side comparison. mom dancing versus dad dancing. who's better? don't ask me. you be the judge. ♪ girl vo: i'm pretty conservative.
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back in 2009, the entire
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cou country was shocked when the kansas abortion doctor, george tiller, was gunned down while standing in the entryway of his church. his killer, scott roder, is an extreme abortion protester and now is in prison for life. now he's speaking out behind bars with rhetoric. david leach has posted the tape of a phone call he purportedly had with roter, in which they discussed the reopening of the dr. tiller's clinic. >> if someone would shoot the new abortionist like scott shot tiller, hardly anyone will appreciate it but the babies. >> that's a very true statement. >> it would be a blessing to the babies. everyone else would panic.
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>> that's great, david. that's great. >> shoot the new abortionist? this kind of talk is disturbing but it gets worse. later on the call, leach asks the many he says is roder what he thought of the people who reopened the clinic. >> it is a little bit death-defying. you know, for someone to walk back in there, to walk in there and reopen a clinic, a murder mill where a man was stopped, you know, it's almost like putting a target on your back saying, well, let's see if you can shoot me. >> it is a gauntlet thrown down by someone who wants a fight. >> i love it. >> of course, i don't know if anyone will pick up the gauntlet. >> a target on your back. pick pi
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pick up the gauntlet. this rhetoric has no places in our debate. joining me is kathy spiller. thank you for being here tonight. >> thank you. >> first, before we go on, i should note that msnbc cannot confirm that roder is the caller on the tape but prison officials in kansas tell uses there are, quote, reasonable indications that the man on the call is in fact the convicted murderer. so kathy, what's your response to this tape? >> well, i think it's a very serious threat against the new clinic and other parts of that audiotape they talk specifically about the new director, julie burkhart. they talk about a target on her back. in fact, they go so far to talk about the idea of maybe if we kill enough doctors, we will be able to end abortion in this country. this is nothing short of
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domestic terrorism and a threat being used in an effort to intimidate women and men who are providing very vitally needed health reproductive services. it's frightening because we don't know the extremist network that might next pick up the gun. >> kathy, 8 down, 92 to go. here's what the caller told david leach towards the end of the conversation. listen to this. >> i have to go back to what my pastor mike bray said. you know, if 100 abortionists were shot, they'd probably go out of business. so i think eight have been shot so we have 92 to go. and maybe she'll be number nine. >> maybe she'll be number nine. "she" being the one who has the clinic now. this must be chilling for those
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that are going to work in those clinics. >> and that's what it's meant to be. this is against the law. the act was passed to prevent and stop this very type of threatening effort. the person he refers to, mr. bray along with mr. leach and mr. roder are all identified with the most extremist wing of the anti-abortion network in this country. that's what he's talking about. it advocates the murder of doctors that provide abortions in an effort to end abortion. this is domestic terrorism. these are not speech issues, which some people say this is his right to free speech. this goes beyond that. it crosses the line into illegal activity under the freedom of access to clinic entrances law. this is a threat. the law says you can't use
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violence and you cannot use the threat of violence. >> right. >> in an effort to stop the provision of abortion services. >> now, david leach was questioned by the des moines register and he was asked to clarify his statements. here's what he said. he says, opening that same building again is a provocation. it's designed to enrage people. it's not something that someone does that cares about their personal safety. reporters said, should they be nervous about you and what you say? leach says, not about me but they should be nervous about reality. i mean, what does that say to you? >> well, let me tell you, this extremist network has used prisoners, who have been convicted of violence acts and murder, they are called prisoners of christ. it's a network. they use it to speak out to other potential extremists who might pick up the gun or set the bomb. this is part of a recruitment of
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the next assassin. >> we are going to have to watch it. this is very serious and we're going to continue to follow the story. kathy spillar, thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro. omnipotent of opportunity. you know how to mix business... with business. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. and go. you can even take a full-size or above. and still pay the mid-size price.
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3:58 pm
do you remember the old man of the mountain? that was the granite formation, iconic photo of new hampshire. it's the image that kelly ayotte was going for. she's becoming a leading voice in the republican party, campaigning with mitt romney, becoming one of john mccain's foreign policy amigos, helping to lead the right wing hitch hunt against susan rice, generally never giving president obama a break or a benefit of a
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doubt. it's worked pretty well for her. it's worked well but lately things are not looking so good for senator ayotte. after voting against expanding for gun buys, she's seen terrible headlines. the "concord monitor" says, if you want gun control, vote ayotte out of office. voters seem to be thinking about it. her approval rating is down to 15%. 15% of voters said they would be less likely to vote for her because of the background check. she sure did ignore her constituents. but back to that old man on the mountain. it couldn't handle the wind and rain and cold and a few years ago it collapsed, gone, out of sight.
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senator ayotte can adopt what her constituents want, maybe the same thing will happen to her. the reason people went and voted for them is because they expected you to go to washington and vote on behalf of those that voted for you in the first place. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. body snatchers. let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. let me start tonight with this. invasion of the body snatchers. that's what this is like. we tried to fathom who was with us and who is one of them. we can't tell, can we? how do we tell when someone has gone over to the other side? when does it happen, this radicalization process? whe


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